Thursday, November 12, 2009


Watch this video

"Even Eagles need a PUSH"

Is it really a PUSH in it's true sense?

I was thrilled to see this video. A typical trainer speaking on leadership would focus on the concept of how we all need a PUSH at some time or the other and how it's also important for us to PUSH others. The video brings out the concept vividly.

Incidently, we had a naturalist with us who was well versed with most of the stuff we have been watching on Discovery & Animal Planet only. She continued to let us know what happens next with the young eaglets. One of the parent(mostly the father bird) dives down, slides below the young eaglet on it's first flight, picks it on its back and brings back to the nest. The pushes continue till the parents are confident of the wing strength and boom the young ones fly the full flight on their own.

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