Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Is there a combined solution for Naxal(Intra-Country) & Terrorism(Inter-Country)

Has there been any riddle that hasn’t been solved in Human History? But killing both birds using a single bullet needs a very sharp skill and years of experience. Do we have it now? Do we have a collective intellect which can smartly negotiate a way to secure human settlement in this sub-continent?

Some power strongly tells me that there is a way out of clearing the in-security in one shot for the time-being (security is a dynamic agenda, states should be constantly a step ahead than the negitron forces). Negotiate with the Naxals, don’t dilute the Naxal force. Align their leaders and absorb them as a special para-military force. Train them and give them better weapons. Use this force against the terrorist force which is flowing in from across the borders and within. What else can you do with a pet snake which is deadly poisonous. Doesn’t it sound like the age old saying “Thorn to remove another thorn”.

But the fact of the matter may be, that both these insecurities that the country is plagued are of very distinct and complex nature. One is eating us within like a cancer and the other is hitting from outside like accidents on highways. Blatant writeups like the above 2 paras not only demean the role of the current and the past governments but also show the misuse of the power to express, given by our constitution.

Gurumurthy’s article on Nanaji “Nanaji as I knew him” talks of a very strong point about Nanaji, that during his childhood even when he used go hungry for days together, he never became a naxalite, instead he chose to be a patriot. It kills the normal notion that poverty is the only cause of the Naxal movement. So what else could drive a person to join it? Is it a philosophy, revolution or just a simple craze and adventure of lifting a powerful gun?


  1. As you mentioned on your post about the old saying “Thorn to remove another thorn”, I believe the best example is to look at our neighbour situated at North West. They used the same strategy but the situation was a bit different and created Taliban. Rest is history and you can actually see the spills across the continent because if this intellectual thinking.

    To be short, one cannot predict animal’s natural instinct!

    It is very much true that Naxalites are people fed up of poverty, disparity and corruption. These people formed a group to fight this menace in the society and actually believed that it would be better to die as a tiger rather than die as a hungry dog. But little did they know that many of their group would be utilised by the state politics and/or terrorist from across the border in return of funding or money?
    I sincerely believe that disproportionate wealth management within the country is the cause of this issue. If the Govt. can provide better opportunities across the country (which is not that easy due to demography of the country) then some of the groups having strong emotions and sentiments can be put to rest.
    As most of the American Security advisors say “All options are on the table”.

  2. Well said. A few more thoughts.
    1. In the taliban case, the thorn which served it's purpose wasn't thrashed in the dustbin but was thrown in the wild(which goes against any sane military strategy). More over the purpose of usage was not ethical at all, revolt is but natural.
    2. Most of the youth in this sub-continent disbelieve that the demography of the country is the problem, in-fact it's a solution to a lot of problems due to it's richness. We have had n no. of rulers who have had shown distinguished capabilities of statesmanship. We hardly read about them in school history yet, so we lack confidence.

    The problem is do we really want to solve it?


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