Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My understanding of the Laws of Nature !!!

Newton’s third law and the Law of conservation of Energy & Mass are intertwined <google them to know for yourself>. One can’t exist without the other. Unfortunately two different scientists proposed the two sides of the same coin. The laws are universal and binding irrespective of your address in the Universe or your social status in one of the tiniest peck known as the planet Earth. Karma theory taught as part of Sanatana learning is a superset of all such laws proved in laboratory by so called modern scientist. The timing of the reaction from the Universe against any action is a matter of deep thought. It is quantified at such a precision so that the reaction is complete, i.e.

reaction = action

To give a crude example, if Sam stood up infront of the whole class and slapped Jemmy, Jemmy would have slapped back. But the insult bore by Jemmy is more since he was the first to be slapped, so :

(Jemmy’s reaction to Sam’s action) != (Sam’s action)

So the universe is going to react back on Sam but at an appropriate time, so that the insult/pain felt by Jemmy in the first place is equal to what Sam will incur.

If Jemmy is fully aware of the Universal Law, will he ever retaliate after getting the slap? The answer is ‘Can’t say’. If he is wise, he must have know that Sam’s action was actually his(Sam’s) reaction to some past action of Jemmy. If Jemmy feels Sam’s reaction was intense, then he may either wait for the Universe to settle the accounts or take upon ambassadorship of the Universe. A wise Jemmy who has read through Karma doctrines and Dharmashastras may act contextually. If needed he may slap harder or he may just walk away smiling in his mind for he knows the wild Dean of the School will react against Sam in a much harder tone than what the Universe has in store for him.

Applying the same analogy to Corporate Governance where Human Beings are too falsely considered as mere resources. You hear phrases like - ‘4 Java resources with 3 yrs experience each is equivalent to 3 Java resources with 6 yrs of rich experience’ or ‘Resource-Crashing with the assumption that the increase in resources will proportionately complete the work faster’. Feel the need to simplify the 2nd phrase with an example - ‘5 resources complete work-A in 10 days, so 10 resources would complete the same work-A in 5 days’. Any successful project manager will laugh at these assumptions. And anyone who has achieved this feat has added extra effort to compensate the learning/momentum curve. Also one can easily deduce that :

Every reaction in turn is a new action in itself

So conflicts are never ending in nature. A Hitler probably knew this and tried to overpower nature by trying to silence all the opposition across the world completely. He failed since he himself(his actions) created equal and opposite forces in the Universe. That’s why the likes of a Gandhi and a Mother Teresa say ‘Give’, since when you do an action which helps some one else, then the Universe will pay back in full at some other time. The pay-back (reaction) could be in terms of that one HELP which saved you from a huge Financial Crisis, that one call which paved way to your desired career. The reaction as expected will be contextual and in equal amounts. So the wise choose to do good, since good actions create good backlogs for the Universe to deliver while bad actions create bad backlogs for the Universe to deliver.

The Universe is never in a hurry. It’s on-time every-time.

The timing is always appropriate. Only we don’t realize the importance. A wise man is always happy to find himself in a worldly trouble, since he knows that the Universe’s backlog against his name is getting worked out for clearance. The sooner the better.

A wise man is never overwhelmed or over-excited on hearing good-news, since he knows that the Universe is just doing it’s part for his previous actions and he doesn’t want to be attached or always eager for such backlogs, for no one knows what’s the actual backlog piling looks like. Probably this one last Good backlog and damn the account is filled with loads of scary backlogs.

The way of Life? How to deal?

Tend to equanimity. Showing of an attitude doesn’t necessarily deny the inner equanimity. You may have to laugh at a joke of your 7 yr old kid, even if it hasn’t been so humorous for you. Force all the reactions from the Universe (good or bad according to your perspective) to help you achieve your GOAL of LIFE. So the first step is to question your life. Find your GOAL.

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