Wednesday, March 24, 2010

“oPEN Communication” over “oVER Communication” !!!

The difference is evident in the spellings itself. The 2 phrases differ by “pen” & “ver”.

“pen” stands for Silence.

“ver” stands for Verbose.

In other words “pen” suggests the expression using the EAR rather than the MOUTH. It gives more weight to LISTEN than to TALK. If everyone in the discussion group follows this philosophy, the ideas/views are transmitted in the least time possible.

Whereas the “ver” suggest the vice-versa. It culminates in adding to the prevailing confusion and creating more complex environment which hardly sees the goal in it’s distant.

The PEN, EAR or the MOUTH aren’t meant literally, but they provide simple folk analogy for tools that aid communication. So for example ranting more on this topic would label me as an “oVER Communicator”.

1 comment:

  1. Smart end! Will have an oPEN communication very soon. Next week hopefully.


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