Sunday, May 9, 2010

Story of the Warrior Prince - II . . .(TEG on History Economics)

Read <this> first.

The Economics Guru(TEG), renowned for his practical solutions to dynamic issues spoke to the group of the FSU (Federal Support Unit) which is responsible for fueling the decision making capabilities of the democratic structure. The peninsula is the only know pure democratic structure in existence. All other age-old democracies have either been overpowered by NEGITRON forces or dismantled by them.

The stringent admission criteria made available the finest breed of Intellectuals from various fields to fill the class of 512 students. The topic for the day was to understand the Economics in History. Astro_Sahil_Malvankar_FSU_3010389(ASM-II) one of the students in here is in-charge for the protocol for the day. After a brief, crisp and clear introduction he passes on the <+vocabularyField-> to the Guru.

<More on the life and works of this TEG in another post. Interesting to know how he modified the economic fabric within the federation to accommodate all ventures keeping a healthy competition active so the common man gets the best of the times. He was instrumental in amending the constitution to be detrimental to monopolistic advances. Slowly Entrepreneurship was by passion and no way linked to a wealth amassing scheme.>

TEG starts with mathematics. FSU’s aren’t amazed, TEG respected for his use on unconventional teaching aids. He moves his hand to write in thin air. The index finger movements are diligently captured and zoomed out for the whole class to view it on the n-dimensional presentation platform (n-DPP, called as Sanjay in rural areas - refer Mahabharata). All 1024 eye-balls move in unison to where TEG points.


Question : How did this 5 arrive today?

TEG continues “I will tell you it’s history for a while. Yesterday it was 8 and before that it was 10 and before that it was 15 and before that it was 8 and before that it was 7 and before that it was 6 and then 4.

So the travel looked some thing like this : 4->6->7->8->15->10->8->5

There aren’t any prices to guess that tomorrow the value is going to be lesser than 5 in most probability. A strong will may move it back to a higher value say 6 or 7. But the trend shows the opposite. It always takes an herculean task to reverse a trend. Are you with me?”

Class of FSU_3010 in unison “Siiee”.

“When a bud is told that for the past 4 days in a row it’s been falling down, in most likely case the bud is going to fall on the next day. Compare this with the same bud about 5 days earlier when it is told that it’s on a rise, the bud will be enthusiastic, motivated and naturally move into a growth zone for the day and next. So we need to aid this natural progression for masses. Individual focused teams can be motivated irrespective of the past failures under vigilant leadership. But at times for the a long term goal the data could be tweaked. The assumption here is it will take a minimum time ‘T-min’ equivalent to make the trend archival ready (or useless) to discover the original trend.

And so we may want to say the trend was like this : 4->6->7->10->1->2->4->5”

FSUs quickly noted that the major dip trend was cloned. There was only a change in the last 3 day trend to make it as close to real History as possible.

“So we have a real History and a manipulated History. The manipulation needs to be done as per the need and the following arithmetics will deal with the basic laws in doing. The laws are in line with community psycology studies / reports which are being collected from ages. CA (Central Library/Archive dept) has been actively engaged in making the whole research available within the GC (gem cube - storage unit). The Puranas as known in the pre 22nd century were Manipulated Itihasas for the all-round development / Spiritual gain of the readers. The laws we prescribe here only consider the Administrative benefit for the finite distance intime. It’s an open problem statement to upgrade the laws to make them universal and benefitting to all.”

ASM-II was quick to note the problem statement. Enough material for the discussion group for the next day. The topic for today’s group discussion is ‘Should cutting edge research be cut-off just because it poses a high risk of overuse/misuse’. ASM-II plays the discussion coordinator. Before taking up the coordinator assignment, TPG (The Philosophy Guru) of FSU_3010 had advised to take a look at some archives. One of the randomly picked key on the n-DPP neutralized the resistance on a sealed leaf. He was thrilled to see the control of some member of an autonomous body of the 21st century, popularly then known as media. He could quickly add his <+touchNote-> improvement points as an appendix to the leaf data. It was the first one.

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